Saturday, September 26, 2015

Week 2 Review, Week 3 Preview

I posted a quick and dirty 7 minute video for this week. There's a shout out to Pope Franky and a new baller, JB Byrd.

Week 2 Review, Week 3 Preview
Post some comments this week wouldya? I feel like I am talking to the wall. Comment on youtube, on the blog (, or on the USC Yahoo site. I'd prefer the blog site or the USC Yahoo page - I tweaked some settings on the blog. Hopefully that should resolve any comments issues; just select "anonymous" as your profile. Give it a try, and let me know if you couldn't post.



Sunday, September 20, 2015

Grey Goose Moose says hello from the Great Northwest, where he is currently vacationing. He sends his regards, and said that during the solitude, he is plotting very bad things to do to other USC teams.

Week 1 Review

Well, well, well....look who lost their games last week. More importantly, guess who *didn't* lose his game...that's right, your beloved Commish dominated with a crap ton o' points. I destroyed Karen's Mad Manatees, 181 - 133. At least she has an IPA to drown her sorrows.

Meanwhile, I am taking a mature, reasoned, adult approach to my victory.

Susan's Awesomeness overcame Ol' Man Leatherheads (135-114) in the most exciting game of the week. Or not.

The Beatdown of the Week Award somehow goes to Bryrica, by beating his opponent by 63 points. How on Earth could that happen?

....he was playing Marisa, who couldn't even crack the century mark. As such, here's a little message for our wannabe moose killer...

Mama Bear, meanwhile, took care of Corey's Team Destroyers, 138-107. I'm not sure if his team name means he's going to try to destroy your team, or if his players are so horrible that they are destroying *his* team. Silly boy, you self-destroyer.

In a surprising development, Gerry's Gonzo actually put up 141 points, only to lose to Dave's Platypi, who scored 170.

Week 2 Preview

Let's try to make this a Star Trek themed venture, shall we?

Susan is beating me as of right now, but I'm confident I'll make it out just fine, because I am so....

 In the saddest looking matchup of the week, Mad Manatee and Great Gonzo face off in a certain turd sandwich of a game.

The 'Heads and the Bryrica Jenners will play a classic for the ages. Here's John calmly telling everyone that he thinks a victory is likely.

Mama Bear is set to take on Marisa, in what should continue to be a hopeless season for the Moose Killer's players, who by the way are not good people.

Oh, and Mama Bear said she'll handle things just fine, without needing a Star Trek meme.

Lastly, we have Davey Boy's Confused Land Mammals taking on Corey's self-annihilators. None of us have been too sure as to how Dave came up with his team mascot, but Worf has an idea.

So that's it for now. Good luck to everyone, except you know who. I'd bet she's getting pretty tired of my abuse.

I don't really care about her team, other than that they lose often, and by a lot. So here's where I usually end with the repetitive tagline, wishing defeat upon 'Risa's team, but let's change that up just a bit today, shall we?

Good luck to everyone, except you know who.
